
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Webinar video of Gulen Movement 101: Session One

Some of the videos shown during the presentation have been deleted from this video, but you will find them online.

Much more information is contained in my posts labeled “Gulen Movement” as well as at my Charter School Scandals blog.


  1. Ankara is the capital of Turkey, not Istanbul.

  2. Thank you for adding that comment and for watching the video. I knew that at the time, of course, but misspoke during the presentation. I was annoyed at myself when I reviewed the video and heard my mistake! Oh, well...

  3. Thank you The movement doing very well job thanks to Fethullah Gulen

  4. Thank you for the well documented and very informative postings.

    I worked for one Gulen school in southern California for three years. About half of the teachers were from Turkey, on H1 work visas. The principals were all men,who treated women "like Turks do". For the most part schools were run with an iron fist, and staffs` opinions were not valued or listened to, especially women`s.

    The curriculum is absolutely secular, in accordance with TH state guidelines. Good programs overall, with emphasis on math and science. Apparently the whole model for the charter schools in the US was conceived by a handful of smart Turks, Harvard graduates an such.

    There was a hidden "Turkish agenda": the Turkish language is mandatory in these schools. When parents and students complained and asked for other languages, of international circulation, the answer was " this is one of our requirements. If don't like it, you are free to take your child anywhere else", that sort of thing...

    Thank you again four your unbelievable work!

